Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Game. Set. MATCH

Love story time!!!
Ok seriously though.
A couple of years ago I uprooted my very comfy life.
Very comfy.
I moved out of my parents house on the west coast to a not so pretty state.
Mistake #1
For a boy.
Mistake #2
But, we all learn from our mistakes.
I think.

After realizing the error of my not so perfect ways
(Let's not tell Army man I admitted to not being perfect)
Life fell apart.
Time to pick up the pieces.

I was not ready to move back home.
What 21 year old wants to move back in with mom and dad??
Not this one!

I decided to give myself 6 months to decide.
Create a comfy life here?
I knew no one here accept for people that I worked with.

Ok, backtrack.
I have a hard time staying single.
Personality fault #3 of mine.

So naturally
I wanted to date again.
But not someone from work.
Dating someone in the work place RARELY ends well
Trust me
I know.

Well, now I'm thinking...
I'm 21

I can just go meet someone at a bar I guess.
Get some free drinks.
Blah blah blah.

I was not a fan of that idea.
BAD NEWS written all over that one!

The next thing to cross my mind:
Dating websites.
Seriously, little missy?
Who is 21 and on a dating website?
Apparently a lot of people.
Trust me, it surprised me as much as you.

So, being young and stupid with my $$$ decisions
I decided to spend a Benjamin.
Cause that was logical.

Best. Investment. EVER!
After only a couple of months
I met Army Man
Awwwwwwwwww <3

Trust me
There was an UNGODLY ammount of filtering the "winners"
from the not so ideal.

Don't get me wrong,
it was entertaining at times.
And at others,
I wanted to bang my head against a wall.

I winked first!!!

Oh, winking?
Winking is a feature on Match.com for when you are too nervous (or lazy) to send a message.
(Mine was probably the lazy issue, but lets not advertise that too much)

from the time we first met, we have been inseperable.
I'm the first date that NEVER went home.

So for all of you haters out there that laugh at dating websites...
Ok, you can laugh... But they really do work!

On a 100% serious note.
When I met Army man, I knew that I met someone special.
He is my other puzzle piece and completes me.
All those gushy country love songs on the radio FINALLY made sense.
It was about damn time...
I think we have been inseperable because we know that nightmare of a day is going to come soon.
The day he gets deployed.

This will be a whole new experience for me.
Reason #2 I wanted to start a blog :)
I am very lucky to have the "Army wives" on my side
and the great support system from my family and friends.

I believe that everything happens for a reason and leads us to greater things in life.

My quote of the day:

"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go. Things go wrong so that you can learn to appreciate them when their right. You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself. And... sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. "
~Marilyn Monroe

You got that right sister.

1 comment:

  1. Yay yay! I love it so much already. Keep it up:) And try not to worry about deployment. Enjoy the time you have right now and of course I'll be here for ya when Army man does get deployed. Us army ladies gotta stick together:)
