My Blog was designed for me to express myself and get my daily life off of my chest.
But, there has been a series of events that have got my brain going in a different direction.
I am not one to show emotion, but when I do, it is with a pinch of humor.
Tonight is a different night.
I have only experienced the passing of a select few in my life.
But one in particular has hit me harder than others.
Words can never fully express my gratitide and admiration for this woman.
There are people that cross your life that have a bigger impact then you can ever imagine.
They serve a bigger purpose.
As unfortunate as this passing is, it is not a moment to be sad, but a moment to reflect.
Rachel Anne Gray
She was the most beautiful and inspirational person I have ever had the blessing of meeting.
Granted, we spent 4 years in high school together.
I had one class with her. Beginning drama. Great stories came from that class.
But I never really got to know her.
It wasn't until early August of 2011 that I was graced with her presence again.
I was working a tent at Hot August Nights and it was pure coincidence that I ran into her.
When she approached me, I couldn't get over how beautiful she was.
She was always stunning.
She had a contagious laugh and smile.
But she carried herself in a way that you could not help but notice her and love her.
When she spoke, she spoke with a vivacity for life.
She never had anything negative to say and only wanted the best for everyone.
The words that we exchanged that day will always be ingrained in me.
I have never been so touched by the words of someone that hardly knew me.
But that was the kind of woman she was.
That is what makes Rachel so beautiful.
It is rare to find someone that is as beautiful on the inside as they are on the outside.
It breaks my heart to think that the word lost such a beautiful person
But, at the same time, we have not lost her.
She touched all of us
And she has inspired all of us in one way or another.
She will live on through us all.
Over the last few days I have not stopped thinking about her.
With the very limited time we shared together, she changed me.
She has inspired me to live everyday to the fullest.
To take nothing for granted.
And to love. Unconditionally.
This is my thank you to you Rachel.
For being the amazing woman you are.
For never doubting yourself of others.
And for inspiring all of us.
I can only hope and pray that I will be half the woman that Rachel is.
I know that her journey does not end here on this Earth.
Keep Calm and Rage On my friend.
You will always be in my heart.