Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I didn't think that anyone read my RaMbLiNg...
Good to know a FEW of you have asked me when I was going to write again!
Truth is
I have been INCREADIBLY busy
But it's spring break now,
So you can all relax knowing I have time to write ;)

This last week has had a lot of firsts for me.
Let's begin with the fact that I saw my sister for the first time in 10 years
Let's not ask the question "Why?"
It's a long story
I don't want to bore you
I'm just glad that I was able to finally see her again
It was crazy weird
I mean
Imagine not talking to someone hardly at all for 10 years
She shows up at your work.
"Oh hi there! How are things?"
(If anyone catches that reference, I will give you a dollar.)
From left to right
Little one, Mama Bear, Myself and Sister!!!
**Side note: We are all half sisters, but I think we look a lot a like**
And yes, Mama Bear is young
It can be more fun that way at times!
Don't let her near expensive furniture though....
Bad things can happen.
(She is going to kill me for even saying that much!)
It was amazing to have us all together again.
They surprised me at work
And I cried
I swore that I wouldn't cry when I saw her
I lied.
I still can't get over how much her and Mama Bear look alike

I thought I was going to go crazy by doing this
I took two of my children to the puppy park
(That's right, I just called my dogs my children
Don't judge)
If any of you have decided to have dogs instead of kids
or love your dogs as much as I do
You get it
My lovely child is the one on the right.
She is with cousins Mason and Viggo.
*Moose not pictured*
Awwww BABY!!!

At this point in my life
I don't know if I will ever want children
Ok, I probably will.
But no time soon.
Helpful hint!!!!
If you EVER want to know if you want children
or currently have kids and want to show them what it's like
Get a Puppy
Birth control for life
I swear.
At least a puppy is independent by 5 months
I can't imagine having a child.
ESPECIALLY after having puppies.

But the best part of my week:
This Studly Man!!
I am WAAAAY too spoiled.
I came home to this one night.
I don't think I even love me that much!!
Ok, bad joke.
But seriously
Army man does!
God I love him

He is away for a couple of days.
Funny, every time this happens
the wino comes out in me
Wine :)

So the lessons I learned and reflected on last week
~ It is never too late to start a relationship with someone. 10 years is a long time, but I am so lucky to be so young and have the opportunity to have a relationship with my sister again. Don't ever think that it is too late or too difficult.
~ Sometimes, things we think may be difficult turn out to be blessings. Trust me, having 3 dogs is not easy (Dog Sh*t everywhere, let me tell you). I am so thankful for my 3 puppies, as crazy as they may make me some days. I am so fortunate to have 3 beautiful puppies who love me. (Not to mention I feel super duper protected when Army Man is away!)
~And lastly, don't ever doubt your self worth. You must love yourself for someone to love you and for you to give love in return. (I will say that I feel pretty damn lucky)


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dog Sh*t

So, now that I have given you a brief rundown of who I am and the way I think, I can share this story with you.
YAY!!! Story Time!!!

Come on! If I told you half of the stuff that goes through my mind without easing you into it, you would all think I am a freak!

I am sure most of us have had the awkward thought of 
 "Who is supposed to say I love you first?"
Yeah, that has crossed my mind, more times than what is probably normal.

I tend to over analyze things, just an FYI. I also have NO patience. Personality fault #'s 1&2. So, I'm sure you can imagine how this can become very conflicting at times. I have issues. Don't judge.

So, back to the big question of the day!!! WHO is it supposed to be?? I would love your opinions!

Funny story about how Army Man and I first swapped our "I love you's."

One fine summer morning, Army Man was getting ready for work and looking handsome like he always does in his uniform.

I get it now!! A man in uniform is sexy! It finally makes sense!!

Anyways, we had some visitors at our house a.k.a more dogs (surprising, I know). At the time, we had 2 dogs, and we were dog sitting our best friend's dogs. All 4 of their dogs.

So, for all of us math challenged  individuals in this world, that makes 6 dogs in our house.

Too many puppy dogs.

Thank god their dogs weigh as much as my foot, otherwise I might have just gone crazy.

As Army Man was walking out the door and giving me a farewell kiss, one big dog (the german sheppard, Shadow) and one little dog (named JD, he's the man!) simultaniously decided this was prime time to drop a duce in our front room.

More math time!! That's not 1, but 2 #2's in my living room at once.
Not. OK.
Who does that???!!! Wait, that's a silly question!  Apparently, JD and Shadow and Shadow is no little lady (see exhibit A below).

Oh, hello there pretty puppy.

Army Man looked so defeated. But how can you hate such cute faces?! And, let's not forget to mention, that Shadow is the favorite puppy dog of them all and can do no wrong.


I looked at him and said:
 "I love you and promise I will never sh*t on your carpets."
Did that seriously just leave my mouth?? Yup, it did. *Insert face palm here* That was the first time I ever saw Army Man laugh that hard.

Great, he totally did NOT take me seriously. In all honesty, I wouldn't have taken me seriously.

And to my surprise, he grabbed me, kissed me, and told me he loved me too.
(this is where you saw "Awwwww")


One of the most UN-ROMANTIC situations was turned into a highlight of my life. In that moment, in the midst of rankness flowing through the air, I fell head over heels for Army Man.

So the next time an unexpected duce (or 2) enter your life, maybe you should think about the blessings they can bring.

And thank your dogs for their lovely presents.

Silly dogs.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Game. Set. MATCH

Love story time!!!
Ok seriously though.
A couple of years ago I uprooted my very comfy life.
Very comfy.
I moved out of my parents house on the west coast to a not so pretty state.
Mistake #1
For a boy.
Mistake #2
But, we all learn from our mistakes.
I think.

After realizing the error of my not so perfect ways
(Let's not tell Army man I admitted to not being perfect)
Life fell apart.
Time to pick up the pieces.

I was not ready to move back home.
What 21 year old wants to move back in with mom and dad??
Not this one!

I decided to give myself 6 months to decide.
Create a comfy life here?
I knew no one here accept for people that I worked with.

Ok, backtrack.
I have a hard time staying single.
Personality fault #3 of mine.

So naturally
I wanted to date again.
But not someone from work.
Dating someone in the work place RARELY ends well
Trust me
I know.

Well, now I'm thinking...
I'm 21

I can just go meet someone at a bar I guess.
Get some free drinks.
Blah blah blah.

I was not a fan of that idea.
BAD NEWS written all over that one!

The next thing to cross my mind:
Dating websites.
Seriously, little missy?
Who is 21 and on a dating website?
Apparently a lot of people.
Trust me, it surprised me as much as you.

So, being young and stupid with my $$$ decisions
I decided to spend a Benjamin.
Cause that was logical.

Best. Investment. EVER!
After only a couple of months
I met Army Man
Awwwwwwwwww <3

Trust me
There was an UNGODLY ammount of filtering the "winners"
from the not so ideal.

Don't get me wrong,
it was entertaining at times.
And at others,
I wanted to bang my head against a wall.

I winked first!!!

Oh, winking?
Winking is a feature on Match.com for when you are too nervous (or lazy) to send a message.
(Mine was probably the lazy issue, but lets not advertise that too much)

from the time we first met, we have been inseperable.
I'm the first date that NEVER went home.

So for all of you haters out there that laugh at dating websites...
Ok, you can laugh... But they really do work!

On a 100% serious note.
When I met Army man, I knew that I met someone special.
He is my other puzzle piece and completes me.
All those gushy country love songs on the radio FINALLY made sense.
It was about damn time...
I think we have been inseperable because we know that nightmare of a day is going to come soon.
The day he gets deployed.

This will be a whole new experience for me.
Reason #2 I wanted to start a blog :)
I am very lucky to have the "Army wives" on my side
and the great support system from my family and friends.

I believe that everything happens for a reason and leads us to greater things in life.

My quote of the day:

"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go. Things go wrong so that you can learn to appreciate them when their right. You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself. And... sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. "
~Marilyn Monroe

You got that right sister.

Take One

Yay for blogging??
I figured it couldn't hurt.
Besides, being the girlfriend of an Army man means I have a lot of extra time on my hands. Fact.

Now I guess it's time to introduce you to the atypical person I am.
I am a whopping 21 years young, about to be 22 and having a minor complex.
No biggie.
It must have just been all the anticipation of turning 21...
And now it's over.
Let the fun of life begin!

I live with my Army man.
Gushy alert!!
I am the luckiest woman in the world!
If he is super duper lucky, maybe one day I will marry him ;)
Ok, end of that for now.
I will have to save the "Us" story for another day.
I will give you a teaser though, we met on Match.com.

I have a litter; literally.
I am a proud Mama of 3 not so small dogs.
Fact, I'm a sucker for dogs.
Thank God there is a law in my home state that I am only allowed to own 3.
My overgrown babies consist of a
German Sheppard
Black Lab
A Border Collie/Red lab mix
Hence, my litter.

At least we know I will NEVER be the crazy cat lady.

In my free time, when I am not starting up a blog, I'm a student.
I despise school.
Maybe that's not a good word.
I'm not a fan.
But, I have expensive taste.
However, this doesn't help my school issue.
I will never forget what my Daddy told me whenever I saw something that sparkled:
"Justification for a higher education."
Makes sense to me!

I woooooorrrk.
To me, it seems like a lot.
It's not.
I can't complain about being a waitress
Short hours + cash in hand = 1 Happy girl!

Writing about mysef = not easy.
So, about my childhood.
It's pretty typical in my eyes.
I'm sure it's not.
I grew up with my Father and Stepmom.
And a zoo.
2 Dogs
2 Cats
Lots of fish
And a rabbit.
I'm sure I forgot something in that list.

Growing up I was very active in soccer.
NOTE!!! Don't ever stop working out!
I am currently preparing to test with a local police department.
Interviews, tests blah blah blah.
Trying to get back into shape is
But, like they say
"No Pain, No Gain!"

There is a reason for the name of my blog.
I swear!!
Other than the typical reasons you would assume.
Never Assume :)

I just can't give away all of my
stories all at once now can I?!