I didn't think that anyone read my RaMbLiNg...
Good to know a FEW of you have asked me when I was going to write again!
Truth is
I have been INCREADIBLY busy
But it's spring break now,
So you can all relax knowing I have time to write ;)
So you can all relax knowing I have time to write ;)
This last week has had a lot of firsts for me.
Let's begin with the fact that I saw my sister for the first time in 10 years
Let's not ask the question "Why?"
It's a long story
I don't want to bore you
I'm just glad that I was able to finally see her again
It was crazy weird
I mean
Imagine not talking to someone hardly at all for 10 years
She shows up at your work.
"Oh hi there! How are things?"
(If anyone catches that reference, I will give you a dollar.)
From left to right
Little one, Mama Bear, Myself and Sister!!!
**Side note: We are all half sisters, but I think we look a lot a like**
And yes, Mama Bear is young
It can be more fun that way at times!
Don't let her near expensive furniture though....
Bad things can happen.
(She is going to kill me for even saying that much!)
It was amazing to have us all together again.
They surprised me at work
And I cried
I swore that I wouldn't cry when I saw her
I lied.
I still can't get over how much her and Mama Bear look alike
I thought I was going to go crazy by doing this
I took two of my children to the puppy park
(That's right, I just called my dogs my children
Don't judge)
If any of you have decided to have dogs instead of kids
or love your dogs as much as I do
You get it
My lovely child is the one on the right.
She is with cousins Mason and Viggo.
*Moose not pictured*
Awwww BABY!!!
Ok, I probably will.
But no time soon.
Helpful hint!!!!
If you EVER want to know if you want children
or currently have kids and want to show them what it's like
Get a Puppy
Birth control for life
I swear.
At least a puppy is independent by 5 months
I can't imagine having a child.
ESPECIALLY after having puppies.
But the best part of my week:
This Studly Man!!
I am WAAAAY too spoiled.
I came home to this one night.
Ok, bad joke.
But seriously
Army man does!
God I love him
He is away for a couple of days.
Funny, every time this happens
the wino comes out in me
Wine :)
So the lessons I learned and reflected on last week
~ It is never too late to start a relationship with someone. 10 years is a long time, but I am so lucky to be so young and have the opportunity to have a relationship with my sister again. Don't ever think that it is too late or too difficult.
~ Sometimes, things we think may be difficult turn out to be blessings. Trust me, having 3 dogs is not easy (Dog Sh*t everywhere, let me tell you). I am so thankful for my 3 puppies, as crazy as they may make me some days. I am so fortunate to have 3 beautiful puppies who love me. (Not to mention I feel super duper protected when Army Man is away!)
~And lastly, don't ever doubt your self worth. You must love yourself for someone to love you and for you to give love in return. (I will say that I feel pretty damn lucky)